
ABlawg: The Faculty of Law Blog

A Misstep on the Road to Reconciliation

By: David Leitch Matter commented on: R c Montour, 2023 QCCS 4154 (CanLII) PDF Version: A Misstep on the Road to Reconciliation Critics of the Supreme Court of Canada’s definition of aboriginal rights in R v Van der Peet, 1996 … Continue reading →

Agreement in Principle on a Revised Columbia River Treaty

By: Nigel Bankes Event commented on: Announcement of an Agreement in Principle on a Revised Columbia River Treaty, July 11, 2024 PDF Version: Agreement in Principle on a Revised Columbia River Treaty Last week the governments of Canada and the … Continue reading →

Let Them Eat Breakfast? Encampments on Campus Part 3

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton and Jennifer Koshan Decision Commented On: University of Toronto (Governing Council) v Doe et al., 2024 ONSC 3755 (CanLII) PDF Version: Let Them Eat Breakfast? Encampments on Campus Part 3 Stampede Week in Calgary just ended. … Continue reading →

The Problem with Industry Control of the OWA, and OWA Control of Oil and Gas Insolvency

By: Drew Yewchuk & Shaun Fluker Regulatory Memo Commented On: Internal Alberta Energy Regulator Memorandum, Unintended Consequences of Ministerial Order 043/2023 in Insolvency April 11, 2024 PDF Version: The Problem with Industry Control of the OWA, and OWA Control of … Continue reading →

Submission on Family Violence Law to the Ministers of Arts, Culture and Status of Women, Children and Family Services, and Justice

By: Jennifer Koshan, Ampee Minhas, Athina Pantazopoulos & Sasha Reid Legislation Commented On: Family Law Act, SA 2003, c F-4.5; Protection Against Family Violence Act, RSA 2000, c P-27 PDF Version: Submission on Family Violence Law to the Ministers of … Continue reading →