Jan. 23, 2020
"Geometry Festival - Bezdek 65" will celebrate the 65th birthday and the scientific achievements of professor Karoly Bezdek

The international conference "Geometry Festival - Bezdek 65" will celebrate the 65th birthday and the scientific achievements of professor Karoly Bezdek, a pioneering researcher of discrete and convex geometry.
The conference is scheduled for June 29(Mon)-July 3(Fri), 2020 on the campus of the University of Pannonia in Veszprém (near lake Balaton) in Hungary. The scientific program will consist of invited 45 minute talks by prominent mathematicians whose work has special connections to that of Karoly and there will be contributed talks as well. The topics to be covered include discrete and combinatorial geometry, convex geometry, geometric analysis, rigidity and their applications.
For more info and update on this event see the conference web page at https://geofest.mik.uni-pannon.hu